Based Pingu is a collection of tiny pudgy characters minted as an NFTs collection on
the Base Network. They are constructed from various outfits, tin faces, lovely hairs , top pieces, faces, colored
background. And aim to be the backbone of the Based Pudgy community on Base.
Get your own!
Each Pingu is algorithmically generated by combining 45+ unique traits with varying rarity across categories.
You get different image assets of your PINGU, including an PNG, and SVG file (svg to come,which is resolution free.)
An exclusive access to our community discord.
Each Pingu comes with rights to create and distribute derivatives.
The images & Pingu metadata will be instant released as the mint start. Once the metadata is updated, your revealed pingu will appear in your
wallet,and you will be able to download the additional file formats from our website (to come).
Join our Discord to have a voice on our roadmap.
New to NFTs? New to Base ? No worries, here are some steps on what you need to do to get your Pingus. For real Anon?